Talking e-marketing with members of the Solent Enterprise Network for Sustainable Enterprise (SENSE)


Talking e-marketing with members of the Solent Enterprise Network for Sustainable Enterprise (SENSE)

It was a privilege to be invited along to give a talk on e-marketing to a group of budding entrepreneurs at Southampton Solent University. It is always a joy to talk to entrepreneurs who are just starting out on their exciting journeys.

As well as being a privilege it was also a challenge to select the topics to include in talk and it was a reminder of how broad e-marketing is. In the end I decided to take them on the journey that I have gone through with many other small business start ups, showing them the importance of e-marketing strategies and plans to acquire and retain valued customers before jumping in and using the various e-marketing tools; by sharing our experiences we were able to draw out a number of key e-marketing messages for entrepreneurs in particularly to consider.

The Take Home Messages

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  • Just in case I forgot to mention, you should definitely have a marketing plan!
  • Create great content that your target audience will look for and want to share.
  • Social media skills include listening as well as posting.
  • Use Social CRM to maintain meaningful and valuable relationships.


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  • Social media is not a magic marketing wand…beware the time suck syndrome.
  • Bad news travels fast online…misuse e-marketing and your bad reputation will precede you.
  • DIY websites can be worse than no website at all.
  • Likes are vanity, sales are sanity, profit is reality.


Solent Graduate Entrepreneurs

Above all else, I wish the Solent Graduate Entrepreneurs every success in their business ventures. I will definitely be keeping in touch and look forward to hearing your success stories.

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